The company has been helping own clients earn profits for many years by investing in real estate.

We create, manage, and sell industrial properties, commercial and residential real estate (ranging from small townhouses to specialized settlements), countryside properties (from private houses to extensive estates spanning hectares), as well as multifunctional complexes.

Two projects we are particularly proud of are "Sevkabel Port" and Design District DAA.

In collaboration with our partners, "My Partners", we provide comprehensive support throughout the real estate investment cycle in Kazakhstan, from ideation to final implementation.
Might of Light
We provide profitability from
25% per annum in tenge
Growing economy
Sustainable partnership with China, other countries
Openness to the Western world and a commitment to integration
Political stability
Favorable business environment
Human capital
Strategic location
Kazakhstan Today
Meanwhile, in the real estate sector, there is an evident shortage of properties in several sectors. It is precisely on such properties that we specialize in Russia.
Investment in properties
Object selection
Cooperative investments
Land development
Creating a concept: complete instructions for the development, launch and sale of an object, which includes budgeting, branding, marketing strategy, organizational structure, investment plan, implementation plan and so on.
Market research to determine the optimal purchase price, as well as determining the sale or rental price.
Selection of a land plot or object for reconstruction.
Preparation of an investment scheme, creation of infrastructure for investment from Russia, and implementation of the tranche.
What are we doing in the framework of the implementation of the investment project:
Support of construction as a general contractor or technical supervision, including the commissioning of the facility and its registration as a finished real estate object.
Creating an architectural concept and designing a future facility: from ideas and functional zoning to working projects.
Project launch. Selection of management team and technical personnel or contractors, implementation of marketing strategy (PR, SMS, advertising), content filling and rental brokerage up to pre-determined indicators.
Sale of the finished object or transfer to the investor’s management — depending on the investor’s objectives or primary agreements reflected in the object’s development concept.
Comprehensive legal support at all stages.
Full support in government relations (GR) and with monopolistic companies.
Financial consulting regarding taxation for companies and individual investors, Russian currency legislation, and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Support in migration processes: We provide assistance in migration processes, including obtaining permits for temporary and permanent residence, citizenship, as well as assisting in the selection of housing and office spaces for clients and their employees during relocation.
Individual competencies
that span across all stages of the investment cycle:
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Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Bostandyk district, Nurlytau Microdistrict, Rafik Nurtazin Street, house 3a
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