Dmitry Mukhin
CEO of Might of Light Kazakhstan, Partner, Chief Architect.
Master of Architecture. Graduate of the Architecture Faculty at the Academy of Arts.

Winner of the Government of St. Petersburg's "Peripheral Resource" competition (2021), winner of the "Drevolyutsiya" festival (2018, 2020, and 2021), finalist of the "ARCHIwood" award 2021.

External consultant on architectural matters:
2018 - Mikhail Shemyakin Art Gallery.
2020 - EVENT GROUP Company.
2019 - "Vitruvius and Sons" Architectural Bureau.
2019 - Grand Choral Synagogue of St. Petersburg.
2020 - "Arhataka" Architectural Bureau.
2020 - "Project Baltia" Magazine.
2020 - "Liphart Architects" Architectural Bureau.
2020 - EVENT GROUP Company.
Murat Djakyshev
Partner, Head of Project Direction. EMBA, ABM Stockholm School of Economics. MBA Skolkovo.

Key Achievements:
2011-2015: Director of Construction at the largest copper company in Kazakhstan, "Kazakhmys" Corporation.
2016-2018: Director of Construction at Almaly Holding, responsible for building the McDonald's restaurant chain in Kazakhstan, the National Paralympic Training Center, and facilities for the "Kairat" football club.
2018: Founded the consulting company MY Partners Ltd, advised the Tashkent City Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan on investment attraction and City center development.
2019-2022: Director of Construction Project at the Lead-Zinc Mining and Smelting Complex "Shalkiya."
2022-Present: Professor at Farabi Business School at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
2022-Present: Independent Director at the largest construction holding "Imstalcon."
2022-Present: Consulting for Chinese state construction holdings on project management in Kazakhstan.
2023-Present: Director of Construction Project for Wastewater Treatment Plant in Taraz.
Mikhail Kartavkin
Partner, Head of Strategic Development Department.
Specialist in crisis management, certified Real Estate Manager (IREM).

Key achievements:
2009 - 2018: Managed the development of industrial and commercial properties, including projects for the Baltic Construction Company, "ELTEZA" Railway Plant, Venture Investments & Yield Management, Sevkabel Plant. Project locations included Moscow, Moscow Region, Samara, and St. Petersburg.
2016 - 2020: Participated in the launch team of Sevkabel Port.
2020: Co-author of the Design District DAA.
2020-2023: General managed Sevkabel Port.
Ruslan Iagudin
Partner, Head of Investment Concepts and Investment Evaluation Department. Ph.D. in Economics, lawyer.

Key achievements:
2005-2012: Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Real Estate Management at SPbGEU.
2005-2014: Managing Partner at Elite Investment Group. 2015-2018: Deputy Head of the "Baltic Construction Company" group of companies.
2016-2020: Participated in the launch of the Sevkabel Port project, as a board member of Miles and Yards.
2020-2021: Developed the concept and launched the
Design District DAA project as the Managing Director.
Anna Smolyaninova
Head of Marketing Department.

Key Achievements:
2013-2018: PPF Real Estate Russia - Managed and executed marketing activities in the southern region.
2019: PPF Real Estate Russia - Marketing projects at Nevsky Center/Stockmann Shopping Mall (St. Petersburg).
2019: GK Regions - Head of Marketing and Advertising Department at TRC Iyun (St. Petersburg).
2019-2022: GK "Tandem-Estate" - Head of Marketing and Advertising Department. Managed and executed marketing activities for the Design District DAA project (St. Petersburg).
2022-2023: Marketing for the real estate development company CDS.
Natalia Garbuz
Head of Event Organization Department Most Significant Projects.

Key Achievements:
Organized the Michelin Star Awards Ceremony in Moscow.
2016-2018: Event support for the International Silk Way Rally.
2014: Award ceremony for the Recognition of Achievements in the Implementation of Environmentally Efficient Innovative Solutions in the Design and Construction of Olympic Facilities for the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. Projects for Companies: Uralchem, Biocad, Gazprom International, Gazprom Neft, Gazprombank, Tele2, PJSC Sovfracht, Pioneer Group.
Polina Shevchuk
Architect and Landscape Designer. Graduate of the Architecture Faculty at the Academy of Arts and the Faculty of Creative Industries at HSE National Research University.

2021: Finalist of the "Peripheral Resource" competition.
2021: Winner of the "Drevolyutsiya" festival.
2022: Winner in the "Brick Interior" category of the Brick Competition. Architectural Bureau roles:
Since 2016: External consultant at Vista Landscape Bureau.
2019: Rhizome Architectural Bureau.
2021-2022: Vitruvius and Sons Architectural Bureau.
2021−2022 АБ Витрувий и сыновья.
Anton Tenditny
Architect. Master of Architecture. Graduate of the Architecture Faculty at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

Key Achievements:
2017-2018: External consultant on architectural matters at Studio-17 Architectural Bureau (Competition "Symmetrical Quarters: St. Petersburg Quarter in Minsk" - First Prize).
2019-2022: Vitruvius and Sons Architectural Bureau (Competition for the best improvement of small towns in Russia, grant for implementation in 2022).
ArchAtaka Architectural Bureau.
Since 2020: Contributor to the "Project Baltia" magazine.
2020: Liphart Architects Architectural Bureau.
2020: EVENT GROUP Company.
2021: Finalist of the "Peripheral Resource" competition.
2022: Winner in the "Brick House" category of the Brick Competition.
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