A project by our friends and partners GENESIS Engineering Project management Corporation
12 000 000$
Size of investments
Discount rate
8 years
Payback period
12 000 000$
Size of investments
Discount rate
8 years
Payback period
is a physical location where the storage, management, and processing of large volumes of data take place.

The DPC is an integral part of modern information infrastructure and plays a crucial role in supporting the operations and functioning of organizations.
Data Processing Center
12 000 000 000$
The size of the IT market in Kazakhstan in 2022
Growth of the IT industry in 2021
Share of the IT market volume in Kazakhstan’s GDP in 2021
Capitalization of foreign IT companies that relocated to Kazakhstan in 2022
27 000 000 000$
* The data was obtained from the
Current status: A land plot has been allocated with a designated purpose for the construction of a Data Processing Center (Presidential Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2003, No. 1166, Resolution of the Almaty City Administration dated May 21, 2019, No. 2/317, Contract No. C3-05/2022
The Republic of Kazakhstan is already implementing a strategic project to create four satellite cities near the city of Almaty in the direction of Kapchagay Reservoir. The main focus of these cities is to create a comfortable environment for IT companies and professionals in the industry, which will generate demand for data center services.
The equipment hall is isolated from rooms housing engineering systems (electrical switchboards and air handling units) to minimize technicians' presence in the equipment hall and thereby reduce various incidents.

Above the equipment halls, there is a two-level roof to prevent leaks.

To avoid complex looped cooling system topologies, each refrigeration unit supports a single air conditioner. This facilitates easy system maintenance, minimizes the risk of leaks, and ensures operational simplicity.

The temperature range of the refrigerant is set at 17−23°C, preventing condensation on the air conditioners. This allows for prolonged natural cooling and maintains high efficiency of the refrigeration units and air conditioners.
Cooling System:
Uninterruptible Power Supply System:
Key Metrics:
Key solutions and project characteristics:
Due to high power density, the project employs a liquid-type refrigeration system with a water-based ethylene glycol solution to prevent freezing in winter.

Precision air conditioners are installed in air handling units. Each equipment hall is serviced by 6 air conditioners, with an N+2 redundancy level.

In total, the facility is equipped with 18 air conditioners and 18 refrigeration units. Free cooling mode is also provided (Free cooling).
To ensure uninterrupted clean power supply to all Data Center equipment (servers, storage systems, active equipment, etc.), the project includes the installation of three diesel rotary uninterruptible power supply sources (DRUPS).

The total power capacity of the uninterruptible power supply system is 2720 kW with a 3/2 N redundancy level.
Number of racks: 168

Total IT power: 1500 kW, 500 kW per equipment hall

Maximum allowable per rack: up to 20 kW, but no more than 500 kW per equipment hall

Operating mode: 24/7

Uptime Institute Tier III level All electrical consumers on the premises have uninterruptible power supply

PUE in warm period of the year: 1.3

PUE in cold period of the year: 1.05
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Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Bostandyk district, Nurlytau Microdistrict, Rafik Nurtazin Street, house 3a
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